Thursday, January 26, 2012

My clean dog sleeps on the end of my bed, and in the AM I find tiny orange pear shaped things. What are they?

Even though I bathe my dog - they come off of him. Are they worms?
My clean dog sleeps on the end of my bed, and in the AM I find tiny orange pear shaped things. What are they?
Sounds like it might be dried up tapeworm segments. When your dog poops, look at it immediately after and see if there is anything moving that is rice-like in appearance. If so, it is likely from tapeworm. The Vet can check your dog for worms in general and see if this is the case or if there are other worms as well. Treatment for tapeworm is a different kind of medication than what is regularly used for other kinds of common worms. Vet product to treat is safer and most effective.

Here's a photo of what dried up tapeworm segments look like:

If your dog has fleas, consider topical flea treatment.
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Reply:Could be tapeworms esp if you look around his rectum and find them there.

I know this is gross but if you can get a few of them and put them in a ziploc bag or something and take them to your vet they can identify them for sure.

Tapeworms are transmitted by fleas. If they are tapeworms, then you know that you need to be treating for fleas (treating the tapeworms is easy).

It's impossible for a dog to have tapeworms without also having ingested a flea.

If it's not tapeworms, maybe they can help you find out what it is. Good luck
Reply:By pear shaped, so you mean the shape or the size? If it's the shape, then it could be kibble. Some dogs (like mine!) like to store kibble from last night in the back of their throat and save it for later. Then, when they're sleeping, they forget about it and it falls out. If it's the size, then I don't know what the heck it is.

It could also be a tapeworm. Tapeworms look like that when they dry up, which happens over night. Take the dog to the vet and have it examined.
Reply:Sounds like tape worms. They usually look like grains of rice, but if they dry up, they can turn a yellowish color. Even the cleanest of dogs can get worms. They get it from the enviroment. Tape worms are caused by your dog ingesting an intermiediate host such as a flea, or rodent. rabbits, and other wildlife carry tape worms. It could be a host of other things as well, so call your vet and get a stool sample checked. Put the things you are seeing in a baggy(wear gloves), and take them in also as tape worm eggs usually do not show up in a stool sample that often. they are hard to find. Some worms, people can get, so wash your hands, and don't let the dog lick you on the face till you get this sorted out. Good luck.

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