Thursday, January 26, 2012

Where can i buy quality bare root maple and pear trees? under $5 for lining out in the fields of Indiana?

Looking for Cleveland select pears, a variety of maples, and also spruce (Blue and Norway) There are a variety of web sites, but I am looking for one's from which people have ordered before and had good luck. Would like deciduous to be about 5' tall and spruces to be of 5 gallon quality about 24" tall. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if and what you ordered and were happy with...HONESTY PLEASE
Where can i buy quality bare root maple and pear trees? under $5 for lining out in the fields of Indiana?
Honestly? I have no clue about most of what you're talking about. But McMinnville, TN has more nurseries and greenhouses than, I think, anywhere else in America (and there isn't a bad looking yard in that whole town). There are so many (21 on an 8 mile stretch going into town on the main highway) I can't remember the names of any of them. Look up McMinnville, TN and I'm sure it will have a listing of all of them. They're HUGE, too. Acres and acres of trees and shrubs. Good luck!!
Reply:I would inquire at the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, or whatever the agency is called in Indiana. In my home state (Iowa) the DNR offers seedlings every year under a re-forestation program. They have been doing so for many years.

Many varieties of trees are sold in lots of 100's for as little as $5.00/100. Hardwoods and conifers are available, I don't recall ever seeing any fruitwoods.

There are a few conditions one must meet in our program, but they are not real restrictive and do make sense eg. 'must be fenced off so cattle can not get at them - if gazing land is adjacent or nearby' etc. Our program is administered by the state's Forestry Office of the DNR and trees are started by Iowa State University. Orders must be submitted by a deadline in the late fall / early winter for delivery in early spring. March if memory serves me correctly.

Another avenue you might data mine on is the Federal Governements web site: It has links to all states and then they in turn to state agencies and private businesses etc. It's an excellant resource for data mining.

Good luck

A web site I have b
safety boots

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