Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Can anyone advise me on pear tree?

I have a pear tree 4 years old 8 foot high

It has hundreds of tiny pears on at the moment

do I take some off or let them take their own coarse thankyou!
Can anyone advise me on pear tree?
Leave the tree to do this its self, it is called the" June drop", the tree will naturally drop what fruitlets it cant carry through the summer. Keep an area 1m round the tree clear of weeds and grass, and mulch with well rotted manure to help conserve soil moisture, give a nitrogenous fertiliser to promote good fruit growth.

Professional Gardner for 30 odd yrs and still going.
Reply:If it's a hybrid pear, such as a Bradford or Aristocrat, those tiny pears won't mature.

If it's a fruiting tree, keep it well watered, so your fruit will be plump and juicy. Mulch to the drip line of the tree, that is, to the end of its branches, but don't pile mulch against the bark on the trunk.

Your County Extension Agent can send you information about any diseases or pests common to pears in your area, and what to treat them with and when.

NEVER spray a tree in flower, so you won't kill its pollinators (probably bees).

When the fruit begins to look ripe to you, pick one. If you like it at that stage, notice its color, shape, scent, and pick others just like it. If it's still too green to suit you, wait a few days and try another.

Put your harvest into shallow cardboard boxes or spread it on brown paper bags or newspaper, in a single layer, in a cool dark place while you collect enough to can or freeze or make into pies; it'll keep for about a week.
Reply:Let Mother Nature take it's course regarding the yield. Your focus now should be on providing the proper maintenance to the tree(s).

Make sure the tree is properly fertilized (use granular 10-10-10 with minerals or even spikes), clear the trunk of any turf or weeds, and make sure you have the proper chemicals on hand to spray the tree, and proper irrigation throughout the season.

Your local Landscape Supply Company and Nursery will have the appropriate sprays for your tree and region. Do not use the Box-Stores (Wal-Mart, Home Depot, etc.). In addition to the chemicals the Landscape and Nursery will be able to help you with non-chemical (Safer and Bayer) sprays to protect your investment. Best of Luck.
Reply:best thing to do is let them fall naturally - just to make doubly sure they are ripe.

If you do want to speed the process along then you can pick them, but do it very gently. If there is any resistance to the fruit being picked then they are not quite ripe yet.
Reply:Just leave them.sounds like you got a good tree producing many pears.I have peach trees and one produces over 500 peaches make sure you spray them.

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