Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Should new growth be cut off the trunk of a Bradford Pear tree?

The tree will be two years old this year. About 1/2 the way up the trunk, below the branches which have always been there, I am seeing "green shoots" appearing. If left, do these become lower branches, or should they be removed?
Should new growth be cut off the trunk of a Bradford Pear tree?
remove them it makes the tree look better been in the nursery work for 20 years now
Reply:I would remove them.
Reply:Yes,They should be removed.I would also prune the top portion of the tree.The rule is never take more than a third of the tree when pruning.It is ok to trim this time of year but not during the hotter months.It may stunt any fruit production this time of year.If that worrys you just wiat until fall an trim it all.

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