Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Moonglow pear tree?

I just purchased and planted a moonglow pear tree..In reading on the internet about them it said area should be firebright resistant ...does anyone know what this means...Also when is the best time to prune this and what should i get to spray it with? Also how big do the pears get??
Moonglow pear tree?
I think you mean "fireblight". That is a devastating disease in where the leaves and stems of the plant looks as if it was burned. I think that the cure is Streptomiacine. Any good lawn and garden center will have this. They sell it for apple trees, they get the disease most often.

The best time to prune is after the winter. If you prune in fall, and have a rough winter, you will have to prune off the dieback anyways so do it in spring just before the plant leafs out.

I dont think you have to spray pear trees with too much of anything but if you want to spray for bugs, look at "Neem oil"

Speak to your county extension agent for the best thing in your area. I dont remember how large moonglow pears are but I think that they are one of the better ones to have.

Fertilize with something like 5-10-15 or 6-12-12. The middle number is for flower production, the more flowers, the more fruit. Fertilize at least in spring and fall.

Good luck!

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