Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Can rabbits eat pear as a treat?

Yes. Treat Foods - In a total (of combined foods) amount of 1 heaped tablespoons per 1kg rabbit, you can give the following foods: Strawberries, papaya, pineapple, apple, pear, melon, raspberries, blueberries, apple pear, mango, peach, pear, or tomato. Dried fruits may be used as an alternative to the fresh listed above but use half the amount.
Can rabbits eat pear as a treat?
yes you can but don't give a lot just a vary small peace.
Reply:Rabbits shouldn't eat the pear seeds. Neither should they have apple or stone-fruit seeds; they have cyanide poisons.
Reply:not very much or none at all, stick to normal treats, rabbits are not like kids they really do like eating the same thing day in and day out.
Reply:Yes got to for its a good website that tells all about the care of rabbits. I have 2 bunnies a albino female and her name is Bunny and 1 male Lop eared whose name is Precious.Love them both and they are so affectionate.Mine roam free in their own Bunny enclosure in a bunny proof room. And My CAT simply adores the bunnies although the white female dominates the cat as well as the other rabbit. Enjoy the love of a bunny
Reply:Only fresh, not canned. Too sugary! Dried is good too. And only a teensy piece. Give it timothy hay. They LOVE timothy hay.
Reply:very Small like 10/10 some thing like that my mom toll me
Reply:Yes as an occational treat but don't do it too often because it will make their poop runny. (sorry to be gross, but it's true) Your rabbit may not even like it, mine doesn't, but it's worth a try so give him a little. It doesn't hurt. The only fruit to stay away from is bananas because they can cause digestive problems.
Reply:Only a very small 1/10 of the pear a day. It is very watery and might give the bunny diarrhoea

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