Friday, January 27, 2012

What else shall I put in my pear liquor? I am using pear, vodka, cinnamon stick, whole cloves and...?

What do you suggest?
What else shall I put in my pear liquor? I am using pear, vodka, cinnamon stick, whole cloves and...?
Pear Liquor

1/2 lb pears

1 1/2 C. vodka

1/2 c sugar syrup (recipe follows)

1 pinch cinnamon

1 pinch nutmeg

1 clove

1 coriander seed

1 apple (optional)


1 c white granulated sugar

1/2 c water

In my opinion the Bartlett pear is the best to use for liquor making. It is juicy, sweet and smooth. Avoid one with cuts, bruises, dark spots or decay.

Slice pears (and apple if desired) and add to other ingredients, adding sugar syrup last. Stir gently and steep 3 weeks. Strain and filter. Taste and adjust flavor by adding more fruit or sugar syrup if needed. Steep another 3-4 weeks, strain. Ready for use. Yield 1.5 pints. Container: Wide mouth 1/2 gallon jar.

SUGAR SYRUP: Boil together for about 5 minutes at a full boil and be sure the sugar dissolves. The syrup MUST BE COOL before adding to the alcohol mix as the heat evaporates the alcohol.

I'm guessing you have a partial recipe--I hope this helps fill in the gaps.
Reply:to blend the flavors use a bit of vanilla extract.
Reply:try this

they have recipes and a forum I think.

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