Thursday, January 26, 2012

Which is the best way to eat a prickly pear (tuna)? Enseñame como se come la tuna (del nopal).?

I bought two green tunas (prickly pears) at a farmers market and I'm not sure of the best way to eat them. If I leave them alone will they turn red? The seeds are hard. How do you eat them?

Compré dos tunas (prickly pears, higos de la india) en un mercado. No estoy seguro de como debo comerlas. ?Cambiarán a un color colorado si las dejo? Las semillas son muy duras. ?Cómo las comes tú?
Which is the best way to eat a prickly pear (tuna)? Ense?ame como se come la tuna (del nopal).?
I know the red cactus fruit but haven't yet seen the fish flavored one. Is it good?

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